Tuesday, October 20, 2015

On This Day...

On This Day, One Year Ago Today...
I had gone to bed early the night before, feeling exhausted and heavy.  Earlier that day we had gone pumpkin picking at Four Town Farms, which sounded like a fantastic idea at the time; the weather was perfect for picking pumpkins and enjoying a hay ride.  However, the bumpy hay ride made me feel nauseous and I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack when the ride stopped and the driver announced that we would be walking through a corn maze to the pumpkin patch.  Walking.  In the middle of a huge field.  Through a corn maze.  At 9 months pregnant.  I forced myself to smile and waddled my way through the maze at record speed, wanting nothing more than to get to our destination and sit down.  When we arrived at the pumpkin patch I realized that *I* was the biggest, roundest pumpkin there!  The kids picked out their little pumpkins, we boarded the torturous hay ride and headed home.  Normally our tradition is to carve the pumpkins and order take-out but my feet were swollen, my head hurt and I wanted nothing more than to lay on the couch - so that's exactly what I did!

On This Day, One Year Ago Today...
I was laying on the couch around 12:30A, trying to rest, when I felt a strong contraction.  Seeing as how I had been having contractions - on and off - for quite a while, I didn't think much of this one.  I rolled over and dozed off for a short while, waking around 1:30A.  It was around that time that I realized the contractions were becoming more frequent and had a little "kick" to them, but because you were moving around like crazy I figured it wasn't anything.  An hour later I decided to wake up Daddy.  The contractions weren't stopping and I was beginning to wonder if I really was in labor.  I went back and forth at least a dozen times before I made a pot of coffee and called Auntie Carole over around 4A.  I still wasn't sure if I was actually in labor, but I wanted to get checked out because at my last check up I was dilated by a few centimeters.  Better to be safe than sorry, I told myself.  On the ride into Providence I kept telling Dad that we were probably wasting our time and would be back home before breakfast.  I even told him to leave my overnight bag in the car, convinced that I would be sent home.

On This Day, One Year Ago Today...
We were crossing the street to get to the main entrance of the hospital when I experienced "the mother of all contractions".  It stopped me in my tracks - smack dab in the middle of the road - and completely took my breath away.  Even still, once it had passed over, I said "I feel bad that we made Carole come over for nothing at 4 in the morning!"..
Once inside the hospital I was happy to see that it was pretty empty and quiet. I got right in through registration and was in triage within minutes.  It was a little after 5A.  While Dad was still registering himself a Dr. came in to check me just minutes after I'd been hooked up to the monitor (usually you get hooked up to the machines for at least an hour before anyone comes to check on you!) and promptly announced "You're almost 7 cm dilated, and this baby is going to come fast.  We need to get you upstairs".  In panic mode I frantically told the Dr. that we needed to wait for Dad, but she assured me they would find him and get him into the room with me in time.  As we were heading upstairs I told the nurse to make sure to get the epidural guy there in time..

On This Day, One Year Ago Today...
You were in a big hurry to be born!  The epidural had only just started to numb me when you decided you weren't going to wait anymore.  We had only been in the room for about 1 1/2 hours when I told the nurses to get our Dr.  He had just checked me 20 minutes earlier, but I knew it was time.  Less than 10 minutes later you were in my arms and - once again - my world was changed forever, and for the better!

10/20/14  7:56A  7 lbs, 1 oz  Sebastian James Vargas

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