Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Boys

The boys had Dr's appointments earlier this week; Kyle went in for his yearly physical while Sebastian was there for a sick visit.  Despite the fact(s) that Kyle received a couple of shots and Sebastian was diagnosed with an ear infection, both were still smiling!

Kyle received another clean bill of health, hooray!   He gained 5 lbs and grew 2" since last year - slowly sprouting up!  Although he's small and skinny, he's perfectly proportioned weight/height wise.  I need to take him to see an eye Dr. as his vision is 20/30.  Glasses are typically prescribed at 20/40 so the pediatrician suggested taking him in for a "real" eye exam now.  Kyle is none too pleased about the idea of potentially needing glasses, but we'll cross that bridge if/when we get to it!  The pediatrician was quite pleased with the fact that screen time is limited in our home, as children who sit in front of the t/v tend to develop serious problems with their vision.  On the flip side, Kyle does spend a lot of time reading, which can put a significant strain on your eyes -- especially if your vision isn't 20/20.  So, I'll make an appointment with the eye Dr. and see what he has to say.

Sebastian has reached the 20 lb mark on the scale which means he can graduate to the next size car seat!  Length wise he outgrew the infant car seat months ago so I'm excited to get him into the bigger, more comfortable car seat!  At the same time I'm sad that yet another baby item is going to get packed away.  I know I say this all the time, but I seriously cannot believe how quickly this child is growing! 

Some Fun (and not so fun!) Facts about Sebastian:
He's sitting up, rolling and trying to figure out how to crawl
He hates squash and carrots
He's figured out how to put the pacifier into his mouth without needing any help and seems to be getting more and more attached to it as time goes on
He babbles "Mama" all day long
He loves the pool, and any water in general
He still doesn't have any teeth!
He is allergic to amoxicillin
He has the brightest smile EVER...BUT, he also has an incredibly loud scream, too!! 
Overall The Boys are doing well! 

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