Thursday, June 25, 2015

What The Weathermen Don't Know..

The weather here continues to be completely unpredictable; the temperature is constantly fluctuating.  90 degree's one day, 65 degree's the next day.  I've never used the weather app as much as I do now!  I check it every morning so that I'll know how to dress the kids and plan out our day.  Will it be bathing suits and sun screen for a pool day or long sleeves and books for an indoor library day?  Will we need rain coats or sweatshirts?  Flip flops or socks?  Every day brings some kind of different weather.  The forecast for late afternoon yesterday was one of concern as the Weathermen went into great detail about how the severe thunderstorm headed our way *could* turn into a tornado, putting us into "tornado watch" mode. 

A tornado watch!  Oh, what the weathermen don't know..

TWO tornadoes touched down here in our home around 1:30P.  I named them Savannah and Sebastian..

The forecast here started off rather gloomy earlier in the day, when Savannah got her arm stuck behind Bella's bed.  I had just entered the bathroom when I heard all kinds of commotion.  Seconds later and Bella came downstairs screaming that Savannah's arm was stuck.  I hurried up and rushed into their room to find Savannah in a rather awkward position.  Sure enough, her arm was stuck.  Fortunately I was able to lift the bed just enough so she could wriggle her very swollen arm out.  In near hysterics she told me that she was trying to get a toy out but couldn't reach it.  Lovely.  Meanwhile I'm thinking that our neighbor - whose bedroom window faces the girls bedroom - must be cursing up a storm over all the screaming and crying going on at 8:30 in the morning.  Never a dull moment, right? After that little incident, Savannah proceeded to have a very whiny, tantrum throwing kind of day.  She was a handful, for sure..  Oh, but it gets better..

As the humidity started to increase on an hourly basis Sebastian became more and more miserable.  With his bedroom being so hot he couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time.  Toss in a teething temp of 100.1 and he was a hot mess.  He didn't want to be held, but he also didn't want to be put down.  He didn't want to eat.  He was irritable, over tired and just not a happy guy.

Despite 2 out of 4 kids being difficult,  I still managed to do our big monthly shopping at BJ's with all of them in tow.  After all, the show must go on, right?

When we returned home from our shopping adventures both Savannah and Sebastian refused to eat lunch.  Of course Savannah wanted cookies after everyone else was finished eating.  It's good to have wants, isn't it?  I refused to give in which began the rapid swirl of tornado #1.  When she finally calmed down she went off to the living room to play with some toys.  She got super mad when Bella walked in and asked if she could play too.  Now while I definitely think that it's very important for kids to learn how to share, I also believe that it's just as important for them to understand that they don't always have to share.  They don't always have to play together.  They just need to remember to always treat each other the way they want to be treated.  I pretty much drill that into their heads fifty thousand times every day..  I cautiously reminded Savannah of this, knowing full well that she was like a tea kettle getting ready to boil over.  She made herself clear that she did not want to play with Bella.  Bella was not happy but was willing to compromise.  She wanted to take a couple of toys out of the (very big) bag that Savannah was holding hostage.  I was agreeable to this.  Savannah was not.  She completely lost her temper - she started screaming and kicking toys all over the floor.  In the middle of this self-induced tantrum, she is yelling that Bella has "ruined" her game and so now she wants to paint.  Again, it's good to have wants...

Meanwhile, Sebastian was determined to take center stage.  From arching his back to throwing himself forward while sitting in the playpen, he was NOT enjoying watching "Tornado Savannah".  What he probably wanted was to curl up in a quiet, cool spot and go to sleep!  Unable to find said spot, he instead figured that since he wasn't going to outshine Savannah he might as well join her.  And so Tornado #2 touched down.

In a nut shell, my hands were incredibly full trying to deal with two very sad, angry, unhappy little ones.  I dipped into my "patience reserve" and tried my best to simply bunker down and ride out the storm(s)!

Oh, and the "Tornado Watch" outside of our home?  Well, that turned out to be little more than a couple of big gusts of wind accompanied by a sprinkle of rain.  Go Figure.

What The Weathermen Don't Know!

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