Monday, February 8, 2016

Scouts and Health!

Last week Kyle attended the Boys Scouts "Code Of Honor" meeting where he received his 1st patch for his sash - the popcorn selling patch.  His Troop has a couple of busy months ahead of them, with multiple camping trips and a Pasta Dinner Fundraiser on deck!

Yesterday was "Scout Sunday" - a day in which all Scouts - Girls & Boys - are recognized and acknowledged.  Isabella worked hard to earn the "Love Of God" religious award, which was given to her at the Mass yesterday!  Although there were far more Scouts in attendance this year than in previous years (which Fr. Codega seemed very pleased about!) there still weren't nearly as many as there should have been given the amount of Scouts we have here in Riverside.  I think many people do not realize that Scouting is a religious activity.  Fr. Codega spoke about this during his Mass.  It doesn't matter which religion you practice, but to be a Scout you should have a strong belief in God.

On Thursday of last week we attended a fundraiser held by one of the older Girl Scout Troops at Papa Gino's.  The older girls are preparing for a big trip to England, London, Italy and Spain!! - so they are busy raising money for this very big, very expensive "once in a lifetime" adventure!  In an effort to show support for our "sister" Girl Scout Troop, I invited everyone from my troop to attend with their families - and was pleased to see that out of my 8 girls, 4 of them came to the fundraiser!  The girls had a lovely time hanging out together!  My Savannah - who is usually painfully shy and quiet when out in public - was a COMPLETE SOCIAL BUTTERFLY all night!  She was super talkative and joined in on all the fun from the very start!!  It was a major breakthrough for her!

This little guy spent the better part of last week trying to get over a cold, ear infection and fever.  Finally, after 4 super duper long days, he emerged from the fog of sickness and returned to his usual (mostly) smiley self again!  The thing about Sebastian is that he is definitely a "high maintenance" baby.  He requires an abundance of attention on a regular basis as it is - but when he's sick he is downright miserable!  His whining and crying become constant, not letting up for even a second.  The amount of patience needed to deal with him when he's not feeling well is immeasurable.  Fingers crossed that he stays healthy for a good long time now!

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