Saturday, January 23, 2016

New Adventures and Check-Up's!

On Thursday afternoon, a few hours before Kyle was supposed to go to Karate (and renew his yearly subscription), he made the decision to call it quits from the Martial Arts world.  He spent quite a while carefully weighing the pros and cons.  In the end he decided that he did not want to commit to another full year of doing something that he was finding to be increasingly boring.  Lack of motivation and interest were the key factors. I made sure that Kyle understood exactly what his decision meant - that he would be giving up his spot on the demo team but he could go back to classes, on a monthly basis, when he was ready.  Then I sent a nice letter to his instructor thanking him for all of the training he's given to Kyle over the years and explaining to him the reasons why Kyle felt it was time to walk away.  And so, as a 1st Degree Black Belt, Kyle has officially retired from Karate.  He will likely try out some new activities and hang out a little more with his buddies now.  I came across some information regarding a "Robotics" class that's offered to homeschoolers ages 10-14.   The 8 week program just started last week, so it's not too late to sign Kyle up (the instructor even agreed to pro-rate the cost so we don't have to pay for the week he missed!), but first I need to make sure Kyle would have transportation to and from the class.  It's over in Fall River, approx. 20-30 minutes from here, and runs from 12-2 every Tuesday.  12-2 is probably the *only* time frame that is absolutely impossible for me to work around because that's when Sebastian takes his nap.  I've reached out to Kyle's godfather, Mike, to see if he might be able to commit to taking him.  If he's unable to we might see if Jim's parents can either take him or come babysit while I take him..  So we have a couple of options.  We'll need to make a decision by the end of this weekend because payment is due by Monday in order to enroll Kyle in the class for Tuesday.

Isabella attended a "Sculpting" homeschool class last week, which turned out to be great fun for her!  She learned how to mold a hard chunk of clay into a creative piece of art work.  Within about an hour or so she had an adorable sea turtle ready to be baked in the oven!

Yesterday my friend Kim's daughter (Lily) came over for the day.  Lily is the same age as Savannah, so they had a blast playing together!  I'm going to reach out to Kim and set up more playdates for the two girls as it was nice to see Savannah interacting with someone her own age.  The two girls together were adorable as they played "house", colored and just hung out!

Sebastian had his 15 month check-up yesterday morning and made out very well!  Both his weight and height are above average and he's reaching his milestones at an advanced pace.  With the exception of his egg allergy he received a clean bill of health!  The Dr. informed me that there are certain vaccines he is unable to get - such as the measles and flu vaccinations - because of his egg allergy.  I'm not at all concerned about the flu vaccination, because I never get that one for the kids.  Not being able to get the measles vaccine is another story... Some people choose not to vaccinate their children at all, which puts Sebastian at risk for contracting something.  All we can do is hope for the best.  Fortunately he's not in daycare and we have no plans to put him in public school!

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