Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Farewell, 2015 Hello, 2016!

To my 4 beautiful children,

I haven't been able to update this blog nearly as often as I'd like.  Time is rarely on my side anymore!  The entire year of 2015 passed by at lightening speed for me - one huge blur of various milestones, multiple activities, fun trips, achievements, goals and a few failures sprinkled in for good measure!  Hands down it was definitely the busiest year of my life thus far..

My handsome Kyle, at 11 1/2 years old you are more responsible than most people twice your age!  You are an incredibly huge help to me, always.  I know that there are times in which you wish you could just ignore me but you never do.  It's because of your willingness to help out that things run (relatively) smoothly around here in our home full of little people.  I want you to know that nothing you do goes unnoticed.  I appreciate you so very much.
In 2015:
~You entered the 6th grade and have been tackling your school work like a beast!!  You're more than 3/4th's of the way through with the curriculum, which is pretty awesome!
~You attended numerous camping trips with the Boy Scouts and genuinely enjoy Scouting in general.
~You completed your 6th year of karate at Self Defense Training Center and joined the demo team.  You've since had 2 demo performances, both of which were a lot of fun for you!
~You became good friends with Brandon Church, a super sweet kid who lives right around the corner from us and goes to Boy Scouts with you.  Brandon shares all of the same interests as you do - he loves video games, playing with army guys and running around with nerf guns!
~You had an excellent check-up with the cardiologist who gave us the great news that he doesn't need to see you again until 2017!
~You learned how to fly a remote controlled plane.  It is one of your favorite things to do with Dad!
~You seemed to lose a bit of your passion for reading books, preferring instead to read through magazines such as Popular Science and Popular Mechanics.
~You continue to walk down the right path in life, always wearing your heart, manners, respect and faith on your sleeve for everyone to see.

My lovely Isabella, at almost 6 1/2 years old you are learning how to become more responsible and independent.  You enjoy helping out with your little brother whenever you can. You've taken on some extra chores and although I know you don't like having to do them, you still get the job(s) done.  Thank you for that.  When you're part of a big family, as you are, it's important to try to help out as much as you can.  When everyone chips in the chores get done faster allowing us time to do more fun things like trips to the park, arts and crafts and playdates!
In 2015:
~You began your 1st year of school where you learned all kinds of things like reading, math, and writing!  Although you're not reading as independently as I would like you to be, you're making progress and doing a great job!
~You began your 1st year of CCD at St. Brendan's and although you say it's "boring" I think you enjoy going!
~You took a real interest in drawing and writing "stories".  You love to draw and write about cats, bats, birds and unicorns!
~You completed your 1st year of Girl Scouts!  You participated in your 1st fundraiser and did an amazing job with it, selling almost $400 worth of items!  You also earned multiple patches and badges, which make your Daisy Smock look adorable.
~You decided that you no longer like to eat hot dogs, which is so weird!  What kid doesn't like hot dogs??
~You created a nice little routine for yourself in the morning; as soon as you wake up you make your bed and get dressed for the day, which is so helpful!
~You are very, very attached to Daddy.  Whenever he is home you want to be doing things with him; working on projects, helping him fix things, going for bike rides etc.
~We continue to work on you using your manners without needing to be told to do so, but it's becoming more of a habit now.  You're a bit rough around the edges, but you're a very sweet girl.  I have no doubt that you, too, will follow on the same good path as your big brother!

My sweet Savannah, you're 4 1/2 years old already!  You are Mama's Little Helper in the kitchen; you LOVE to help me bake and prepare meals -- and you're really good at it, too!  You follow directions and enjoy "taste-testing" everything!
In 2015:
~You decided that Preschool Work was too easy for you, so I bumped you up to Kindergarten-level Work.  You LOVE to do school work - in fact, I think it's one of your most favorite things to do!  Every day you ask "Is it time to do my school work yet?".  You're learning how to write and do simple math.
~You developed a mild obsession with anything and everything related to "Hello Kitty"!  You have a whole bed full of various Hello Kitty stuffed animals!
~You learned how to swim in the pool without a life jacket!
~You learned how to get yourself dressed, which is a huge help to me!
~We hired a new sitter - Cassie - who watches you when I'm at Girl Scouts with Bella.  You LOVE Cassie!!
~You became just a little less shy and a little more talkative.  Right now you tend to talk with a stutter, which is exactly how Bella talked at your age!  I think your mouth works quicker than your mind  :)
~You have excellent manners!  I never have to remind you to use them- you're always very polite!
~You learned how to sit quietly during church..something we struggled with for a while in the past!
~You continue to want little more than to be a part of whatever Kyle and Bella are doing.  You're closest to Bella and - although you tend to stand in her shadow a lot of the time - you absolutely know how to hold down your own fort when need be!

My smiley boy Sebastian, you are almost 15 months old already!  You are a ball of energy with a personality all of your own.  Your smile has the ability to brighten up even the darkest of rooms and your scream/cries can be heard from miles away.  No two moods are the same for you; on any given day you're like fire and ice.  From being demanding to laid back, stubborn to sweet, happy to sad to are a complete mixture of *everything*..
In 2015:
~Your 1st summer was a rough one as you suffered from multiple ear infections and viruses that brought on incredibly high fevers and extreme irritability.  For at least a month straight I walked around in a complete fog, completely sleep deprived and frustrated that no amount of medicine - or consoling - made you feel better.  You were just miserable to the point where you would cry for hours and there was nothing I could do to settle you down.  I spent many, many nights just laying on the couch with you, trying my best to keep you quiet while the rest of our family (and neighbors!) slept.  There were plenty of nights in which I was unsuccessful, though and those were the nights that were definitely the hardest.  I would rock with you, walk with you, sing to you, feed you, hold you tight..and you would just cry and cry and was really awful.
~At 9 months old you went from crawling to standing to walking all within a month flat, determined to keep up with your siblings!  By 10 1/2 months you were a full-time walker!
~You started eating table food at 12 months old and were promptly diagnosed with a severe egg allergy which requires us to carry around an Epi-pen at all times.
~You were also diagnosed with an allergy to Amoxicillin.
~We had a big celebration for your 1st Birthday at St. Brendan's and, although a lot of people couldn't make it, you had a great time running around with all of your cousins!
~You developed extreme "separation anxiety" - the second I leave the room you start to scream and cry.  Fortunately for me, you also developed a close bond to your brother Kyle.  When I can't be there for you, Kyle is your go-to person.  He knows exactly how to comfort you and make you happy!  He knows all of your needs and is the first one to help take care of you whenever I need help!

In 2015 we kept up with our tradition of house hunting for a month or two.  While we decided not to list our house for sale, we quietly looked at other houses outside of this area.  As much as I love my home, this neighborhood, city and state have taken a turn for the worse.  The things that I once overlooked tend to bother me a lot now; such as living on a busy road in a crowded neighborhood.  The city of East Providence is a financial mess and the entire state of RI is not looking too promising for our future..

In 2015 I came to the realization that every decision I make must begin and end with your wants and needs.  You all come first, even before me.  Our home is not nearly as chaotic as some may think it is because we continue to keep to a routine and schedule.  We do what works best for us.  Sometimes people don't agree with this, but I'm o.k. with that.  
Some day I am going to have a ton of time on my hands.  I'll be able to sit and drink a cup of hot coffee before it turns cold.  I'll be able to read a book, from beginning to end, within a timely manner. I won't be so rushed all the time -- because time will be (just a little) more on my side.  But as we flip the calendar page and enter 2016 I have 3 noses to wipe, breakfast to make, dishes to wash and laundry to fold.  I have school work to teach, toys to pick up and diapers to change.  The fish tank needs cleaning, the cat box needs emptying and the dog needs a bath.  One of you needs to get to karate class and two of you want to go to the library.  My entire day consists of racing against the clock and - 99% of the time - the clock wins.  I'm always two steps behind in my chores and the things that I've "planned" to do but this is my life and it's a happy one.

I do not know what 2016 has in store for us, but I have a feeling it will consist of lots of good news.  Already 2 of my sister-in-law's are pregnant, expecting babies this summer.
We've switched Real Estate Agents in hopes that this new one will be a better fit for us.  The market to sell is looking promising and the buyers market isn't looking too terrible either - although, as usual, our biggest issue is finding something that's the right size and in the right location for us.
Dad continues to work hard and save money in an effort to make sure that we have the kind of financial stability needed to support our family in whatever housing decisions we may make down the line.
Kyle, you will be taking your first "big" adventurous trip with the Boy Scouts in the Spring, as you head to "Westpoint Military Academy" for a week-end long camping trip in New York!  This trip will be quite exciting - especially for you since you have such a big interest in the military/army world!
I am looking forward to this new year ahead of us!  Farewell, 2015!  Hello, 2016!

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