Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Hello, 8th grade, 3rd grade & 1st grade..!

With August promising to bring us lots of lazy & relaxing days, I decided to test the "school" waters a little yesterday by having Kyle, Bella & Savannah start their 2016-2017 curriculum.  
I was really happy to see how well they all did!  I'm not sure if A Beka Math is the right fit for Bella, but my plan is to see how she does with it this month before trying a new curriculum. 
Kyle will need to buckle down & work extra hard this year, as his workload is quite large.  I'm going to try something new with him - instead of giving him specific pages & tasks to complete I'm going to give him a time frame & see how much he can accomplish within that window of time.  For example, I'll tell him that he has 30 minutes to read as much History as he can etc.  
I love the fact that I'm able to customize their curriculum - they're all unique individuals; they learn differently & at their own pace.  I never group them together - we don't all sit at a big table & work at the same time.  They all have their own style, their own strengths, weaknesses, likes & dislikes.  It's a lot of work for me to keep their passion for learning strong but it's incredibly rewarding, too.
Homeschooling continues to be the best decision we ever made for our kids!

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